Armadillo  0.1.1

OSPP (1DT096) 2018 - Project iota

Armadillo is a very simple operating system for the MIPS Malta board, created as a group project in Operating systems and process oriented programming (1DT096), spring 2018, Uppsala university.

TODO: Lägg till en kort beskrivning av projektet.

TODO: Länk(ar) till mer utförlig dokumentation. (Doxygen dokumentation + Wiki?)


Getting started

The Makefile includes a bunch of rules to build, compile, run and test the system.


To compile the project, use compile. This compiles and creates object files in the obj directory, but does not build a binary.

> make compile
Compilation done...
Link and build

To create a binary, use the rule make build. This will, if necessary, compile and link the object files.

> make build
Linking the kernel...

You can run Armadillo using the QEMU emulator.

> make run
Running armadillo.elf on qemu with flags: -M malta -m 256 -serial stdio

Unit tests are included. Run them with test.

> make test
All tests passed!

Debugging Armadillo requires GDB. Start by running the OS in debug mode, and then send the job to the background before starting GDB:

> make debug
> bg
> make gdb


├── Doxyfile
├── Makefile
├── bin
├── docs
├── guidelines
├── meta
├── obj
├── src
│   ├── common
│   ├── include
│   │   ├── common
│   │   ├── mips
│   │   └── test
│   ├── kernel
│   │   ├── boot.S
│   │   ├── exceptions.S
│   │   ├── kernel.c
│   │   └── timer.S
│   └── linker.ld
└── tests
